How the mighty have fallen.
25 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Ace Ventura - When Nature Calls, was the first movie I can remember that I simply had to see. Not because the first movie was that good but there was just something so mesmerising about Carrey that he was too important to ignore at that time. He had three hit movies in a row, although I didn't really enjoy Dumb & Dumber that much either. Boy, was I disappointed. Not only did the movie suck but there is a mean spiritness running all the way through the proceedings that is hard to swallow. I am not talking about the gross-out humor, like Carrey making the biggest loogie in history (by the way that was quite disturbing) but the director seems to think that Ace has to be the World's biggest jerk to survive in the African setting.

As in the first film, many of the supporting characters are just decorative, except Simon Callow (he was the gay guy who croaks in Four Weddings and a Funeral) and Sophie Okenedo. It's amazing she was nominated for an Oscar this year judged by this film. Carrey totally dominates every scene and it looks like that the star in him has taken over completely. That's acceptable, as so many 20 million Dollar men would probably do the same.

The plot of the movie does seem more thought out but in this kind of venture who cares. It is totally under the mercy of how many catchphrases Carrey can recite and the rather embarrassing slapstick humor. Another annoying thing is the way Ventura has suddenly been turned into a pervert although the twist at the end is rather clever.

So in summary the film is in very bad taste but there was a market for that sort of thing as the movie was a huge hit. But please, let's stop the insanity before Jack Black, who is the next pretender to Carrey's place, takes over.
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