Air Bud (1997)
A warm and pleasant film
25 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I like this movie, I really do. I saw this movie with my uncle for my birthday when I was 10, and I was so excited about this. And now, six years later, I still am.

Josh is an 11 year old boy who moves with his sister and his mum after his father died. He's lonely, and he doesn't make friends at his new school. Until he finds a dog, also lonely. The dog belongs to some sort of clown who mistreats him and isn't really nice to him, but the dog got lost and escaped from him. And then they, the boy and the dog, become friends. Josh is the 'waterboy' of the school's basketball-team, but that changes when he discovers that the dog, with the name Buddy, can play basketball.

There's nothing wrong with this film. It's a warm movie about a special friendship between two 'loners'. The story is not always really logical; it's never explained how the dog did find Josh back, but that isn't important. It's a kids movie, and children don't think about the logicalness of the movie.

The actors are all wonderful in this film. Wendy Makkena, the shy Maria Roberta in the Sister Act-films, the young Kevin Zegers, a sympathetic Bill Cobs in a cliché role, and most of all Michael Jeter. It's really a shame that he died, it was such a wonderful actor. And of course Buddy, with his wonderful trainer Kevin DiMaccio, also one of the writers and producers.

In this time of tragic, bloody and heavy cinema, people should enjoy this kind of films. Warm, light-hearted, and most of all: funny.
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