How could this get better rating than "Monte Carlo"
22 March 2005
OK, first of all the only reason why I gave this a 6 out of 10 is simply because Herbie is in...other than that...I don't know why this movie was made. The ending is ridiculous, where 1,000's of herbie's all "team up" for the poor old firehouse. First of all, that totally goes against the story line of Herbie being unique...HELLO!!! It touched on this in 'The Love Bug' in the the horrible TV "remake" in 97' they clarified it. Anyway, Herbie needs to stick to racing! I mean 'Herbie goes bananas" was a stretch but it was still OK, i say OK because they pulled it off decently, but 'the love bug' and 'herbie goes to monte carlo' are by far the best in the series....the worst 'the love bug: 97' TV remake, then Herbie rides again" and i suppose herbie goes bananas is in between...and we'll see where fully loaded goes...so in order

1) The Love Bug 2) Herbie goes to Monte Carlo 3) Herbie Goes Bananas 4) Herbie Rides Again 5) The Love Bug (97 TV remake) N/A Herbie: Fully Loaded (we'll see where it goes)
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