One of the most shining moments in Canadian history
22 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Tommy Tricker & The Stamp Traveler is hands down one of the most delicious movies I have ever seen. Ralph and Nance are an amazing brother and sister pair, taking on the dirty, underbelly of the underground (doubly crass and dangerous!), Canadian Stamp World -- chasing after Blue Noses and Penny Victorias like madmen in Keds. The IMDb description isn't quite accurate, in that Tommy Tricker is most definitely not Ralph's "best friend" at the beginning of the story, but by the finale, you could correctly call them modern day Bosom Buddies. Albert's voice is amazing, especially when he is making reference to Tommy's dad being a bum. His "real dad"! This movie effectively gets kids riled up to collect stamps. We learn that stamps = the coolest adventure of one's life, should one decide to take on the call of duty. Don't lose Dad's Man on the Mast though, or he'll totally tear down your club house and have you falling down Tommy's ghetto stairs just to try and get it back!
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