Misleading as hell
20 March 2005
If you want to see this one, it's for one of three reasons.

1. You've just read "The Da Vinci Code" and are interested in finding out more. If this is the case, stay away from this movie, as it will give you information that will leave you scratching your head and thinking, "Where the hell did they come up with that?" If you are interested in finding out more, read the book "Holy Blood, Holy Grail." That book, while not necessarily true, will give you more information in a better manner.

2. You've just read "The Da Vinci Code" and "Holy Blood, Holy Grail." If this is the case, stay away from this movie, as you won't hear anything new.

3. You haven't read either of the two aforementioned books. If this is the case, stay away from this movie, as it will raise some questions that will seem to be out of left field. If "The Da Vinci Code" and the issues the book raises interests you, read the two books mentioned above.

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