Kirkegaardian brilliance!
15 March 2005
This is the most awesome Danish program ever! I have not been as delighted with humor since the fantasy "Proffesor Drøvel" when I was five. This is the most brilliant humor to come out of Denmark. It is the most brilliant stuff since H. C. Andersen in terms of art and sheer brilliance! :^) I cannot emphasise enough how awesome it is and how much of a fan I am. I have all DVDs with Drengene fra Angora and with Rockerne! If you, Esben, Rune og Simon read this: you are my true friends! You are the best friends I have ever had! You give hope to Denmark! That Denmark is a great country after all! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I am not worthy! Thank you! Thank you!

11/10 !
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