Joey Pants takes a beatin'!
14 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely better than average slasher. It obviously even influenced big budget films like Predator with its invisible camouflaged killer and final showdown location similarities. Do yourself a favor and sit through the opening sequence which is a tad lame and you'll be rewarded. The cast is chock full of Hollywood newbies and Animal House alumni and the story is more an action/survival deal then a straight slasher tale. The body count is low but the kills aside from the first pair are done with the right amount of tension and grue. The Final Terror does have it's fair share of creep moments and they're downright tense. Namely the initial entering of the shack in the woods, the quiet stalking then loud attack on the disabled bus, and the glimpses of what you think are forest scenery that then begins to creep and crawl revealing it's the camouflaged killer. The movie also goes against the slasher grain by keeping most of its cast alive and intact to mount a "we ain't gonna take this crap" attack on their stalker. Adrian Zhmed is the hunky wolf wailin' weed thief, Darryl Hannah is the obligatory blonde in the woods who narrowly avoids a throat slashing(too bad there), John Fredrich is the shroom popping' Nam-head who doesn't have both oars in the water, and Joe Pantoliano does the best job as Eggar, the on edge, threatening, pain in the arse, moss mommas son who takes one hilarious beat down. You love to hate and hate to love Eggar and ultimately feel a little sad for him, after all he did warn'em.
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