Review of Jigsaw

Jigsaw (1949)
rather boring anti-commie suspenser
13 March 2005
Franchot Tone is an up-and-coming prosecutor hot on the trail of a shadowy organization called the Crusaders. The acting is pretty good, but the relentless patriotic claptrap makes for a boring diatribe, especially since there's never really much clarity about what the Crusaders are doing and how or why they have political power. And the weird voice-overs and other occasional directorial clumsiness make for difficult viewing.

For those in doubt, this is not film noir. ***Spoiler*** The main character is not disaffected or an outsider in any way. He is never seduced by the shadowy "Crusader" organization that puts him in a position of power (for no apparent reason). He does gets seduced by the femme fatale, but it doesn't even cause him to lose his fiancée. We have a feeling things are going to go bad all along, but the hero isn't under constant pursuit. Those things all make it a suspenser, not a thriller and certainly not film noir.
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