Cremaster 3 (2002)
What is Art? - Not this
12 March 2005
I watched C3 in attempts to push my boundaries on answering the question "what is art?". Why make movies? IMHO, it's an attempt at telling a story or communicating an idea or feeling. If the communication, however, is so obtuse that the idea, feeling or story isn't told, then the attempt has been a failure.

That's my take on C3. Visually and musically I can appreciate the effort but this is another case of "the emperor has no clothes." Even after listening to Matthew's (the director) commentary I only get an understanding of what things are - the "why" is still missing. He never clearly communicates either through film or even through commentary why he felt compelled to make this.

Because of that, I rate this one as another artsy, pretentious flick that really has no purpose or meaning. Looks good visually but, like cheetos, full of empty calories.
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