Review of Millions

Millions (2004)
Amusing But Shallow
8 March 2005
I saw MILLIONS at a free screening in Los Angeles. It's a cute little film with a fun premise, some enjoyable performances by its youngest cast members and an uplifting ending. That said, it was only a serviceable movie.

Danny Boyle is known to make some highly quirky, often dark yet entertaining films with endings that come out of nowhere (think: 28 Days Later, Trainspotting, Shallow Grave). Here, he goes for a softer, kinder Boyle mixed with quirk and ends up only marginally hitting the mark. Boyle's trademark over-cranked camera and twisting plot points fail to save what, in the end, is an amusing but shallowly executed story. And that's a shame.

Blame it on Boyle's inability, or unwillingness, to make a firm decision on tone and stick with it. Instead, he splits the difference to appeal to both his core fan base and the families with kids that will see the film based on the poster, and ends up with mediocrity. Albeit his mediocrity is light years beyond some of Hollywood's "best".

MILLIONS might be a poor use of theater money, but it's not a bad rental. Or a matinée when you need a spirit lifter.
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