Resurrected (1989)
Moving drama.
6 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I found this film both compelling & upsetting despite some stilted acting from lesser supporting roles.

It is an excellent portrayal of a young man scarred by war & coming to terms with his actions (or inaction) on the battlefield. David Thewlis brings Kevin Deakin to life with sensitivity.

Admittedly, heavy handed in places (use of TV excerpts to drive points home was over-used), I felt that the message of the horrors of war was brought across well enough.

I am biased as I am a self-confessed pacifist that finds the military a bewildering institution, but will say that the progressive chewing up & spitting out of Deakin from the army was a believable series of events, more so in light of current revelations.
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