Adam is a big disappointment
6 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have loved ML's books since I first read the first one, and ROEL was one of my best, exciting, sexy men (!) dolphins, telepathy, what more could you want? But this film is stupid. The whole point of the rivalry between the two guys in this story is there should be some difference between the two. Adam should be the tall, cute, OLDER guy with a purpose and a serious age difference from Vicky, while Zach is meant to be a young, aimless dropout, closer to Vicky in age and not concerned about anyone else (other than Vicky). This Zach was far too clean-cut and mature looking, there was none of the messy danger implied in the book. Adam was too young, the part where he implies Vicky is a child still couldn't work in this movie, where Adam had barely developed any jaw-line, let alone facial hair, muscles, or a man's voice. Hence, when he mentions the fact he has been studying dolphins for YEARS, you can't really believe him. The idea that Vicky suddenly discovers her grandfather has leukaemia is bizarre. In the book the whole family are there and all knew about it - in the film, the ridiculously comical grandpa character seemed to be really well and healthy, then drop dead.

Lots of other oans I won't bore you with!

I am so cross, having been briefly excited when I saw it was on TV, then depressed as I realised an idiot had transferred it to film.

Read the book, see them all in your mind's eye, enjoy that as much as I did.

Love Mandaroza
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