Knighty knight nonsense
3 March 2005
Made on the cusp of the 50s this klunky sword and derring do silliness is fun in an interminable way. Columbia's serials for no known reason usually ran for 15 chapters. Republic had the good manners to fit all the chasing and fighting into a neat dozen..and basically get on with it. If you watch enough of them from any studio you can usually watch chapters 1 and 2 and then the last two and still follow the story. The chapters in the middle are lots of chasings, everyone chases everyone and then they all swap. In between they all run in and out of wharehouses (or castles, or huts) and slug it out with each other and fall over. It is such hilarious great fun. This one uses leftover King Arthur bits and some GREEN ARCHER doorways and a lot of tin armoury and wobbly swords. The same bad guys are seen in every serial, but this time the lead actor is Superman fresh from his 1948 serial and in a tin can suit with a feather on the top. It is a wonder Buster Crabbe didn't ride over from PRC ranch with Fuzzy Knight (haha...if you all get that). Columbia's serial interest were waning and box office was about to dive into TV abyss.....see this serial and then watch the creaky CAPTAIN KIDD made a few years later as a bargain counter costume epic under severe restrictions. More Sir Galah than Sir Galahad and immense fun all the clippety clop way.
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