this isn't your father's "Alice in Wonderland".. oh wait, yes it is
3 March 2005
Kristine DeBell, future co-star of mainstream classics like "Meatballs" and "The Big Brawl" started her career with this musical/porn/comedy take off on the Alice in Wonderland story. Personally I despise musicals (with the exceptions of "South Park: Bigger Longer and Uncut", as well as "Labynth" and "Oh brother, where art thou?"), but porn just doesn't vibe well with musical numbers. Still for what it's worth, it's better than the other porns based on fairy tails of the same era (Ie. "Goldilocks and the Three Bares", "Sinderella and the Golden Bra", "The Erotic adventures of Pinocchio", etc... etc) Might seem tame for those pervs raised on that crappy video-shot no story porn, but it's good for a chuckle or two.

My Porn Grade: C-
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