This is a B documentary that has nothing to do with anything in the title
25 February 2005
Don't waste your money or hope that you held on to you receipt cause this is just horrible. For the first 10 minutes Davinci's art is talked about, nothing groundbreaking, no unlocking of any codes, then for the rest of the documantary(40 Min's) they use the last supper and some secret club that Leo was apart of to be the transition about wither or not Jesus had any kids and if there was a holy grail and honest to god Davinci's name isn't mentioned again til the final comments by the host which goes something like this: 'well we've come along way from Leonardo Davinci to the lost scriptures of the holy testament. Did Davinci have secret knowledge about Jesus? We'll probably never know' The End. The END?! this has nothing to do with anything. the re-enactments are soooo dumb at one point there's this thing about a french priest being given money to make over his church back in the 1800's and he's handed American paper money! They show some ancient knights that were suppose to have unearthed the grail and they all had neatly trimmed beards, they showed 'middle eastern' men(one who's name was Mohammad Ali) digging up a vase in the desert but they were all old white dude's speaking English. This movie made me sad cause i spend money to watch it, which, because i bought it at walmart ill be able to get back, the hour of my life i spent watching it, however, is gone for good.
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