Review of Turbulence

Turbulence (1997)
Watch it with the sound down.
27 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Alas, I cannot pretend to have received any cinematic pleasure from this movie. I put it on for one reason (NOTHING. ELSE. ON.) I knew the plot line and thought I wouldn't exactly be enchanted and that is a mild understatement to what happened.

I do not get the point of this movie. Was it meant as a parody? And why did Lauren Holly agree to star in this? Yes, there are those pictures that might not be good but where it maybe fun to be featured in them(Catwoman being a good example) but I don't lump this in with that "bad but fun" genre. Not at all.

What's really funny is that I happened to be on the phone with a friend while this movie was playing. So I turned the sound down and watched it as a silent movie and it STILL managed to annoy me. But I would recommend , to anyone, who must watch it, to watch it that way, it's a lot less obnoxious and you will have no trouble figuring out what's going on, believe me.

In closing maybe it's me and I simply do not like movies of this genre-whatever that may be. I tend, anyway, to dislike movies about crazy things that happen on airplanes, be it storms blowing or criminals running around, my feeling is there's far to many of this type out there anyway and most are quite awful.(just a few minutes of this movie will actually make you tired, really.) This I did not watch to completion, it was also of the "I'm walking out" genre for me. That's not because of the acting or directing which were fine, that's not the problem. The problem is the plot. I would not recommend it even as a late night, there are simply to many other movies running late at night that seem academy award worthy next to something like this. To each their own though and remember. Sound down sure helps.
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