Dödspolare (1985)
What would you do if you found a dead person on your sofa?
26 February 2005
A man wakes up real hung-over after a party with his old friends from the military service. The doorbell rings and just before he is going to answer the door he sees a woman lying in his sofa. It's one of the guys from the night before, Dr Ugglefors, that comes to get his watch, he says. The doctor sees the woman and tell his friend that she is dead. This is the beginning of a movie that is saved by the great acting of two of Swedens finest, Gösta Ekman and Sten Ljunggren. I don't really know why they agreed to do this film, maybe because they're friends with the director, Rolf Börjlind. Börjlind is a very experienced writer/director that has made both very political, interesting material as really bad commercial things in his later years. I guess all of the involved persons in this production had good intentions and believed in this project but the result is so-so, a little better than average.
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