24 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I am sitting listening to Aileen's song she wanted played at her wake (Natalie Merchant - Carnival). and i feel like weeping, here is the story about a woman who has been failed by everybody she has come in to contact with. Raped, Abused and left to fend for herself since 13 years old the film shows the harrowing story of a woman left with nothing but her own salvation. This is one of those films that make you question your own humanity. The last interview Aileen gave is heartbreaking, Going from acceptance to the fate she finds herself in, Happy even, To be getting it over with, To exploding with anger at everybody who made money from her story wile leaving her with an unfair trail an unfair investigation (movie rights!!). this woman is in no fit state to be executed. Life in jail, Yes, But execution??? My god what have we become. Killer? Victim? I know my opinion. Make yours.
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