Little Wars (1982)
Valuable as a document. Poor as a movie.
18 February 2005
This is indisputably a film of interest. Indeed Maroun Bagdadi courageously undertakes to shoot this sincere movie in the middle of the bloody civil war that rages out in his motherland, Lebanon. And his stance is all the more commendable as it is far from an easy one : isn't his approach to criticize and denounce those among his compatriots who have started this horrible conflict out of sheer self-interest and cynicism ? The trouble is that "Petites Guerres" has not bloomed into a Lebanese "I accuse" but has resulted in a boring,muddled ghost of a movie. I tried very hard to understand, held on bravely but I must confess that I figured out neither the motivations nor the behaviors of the ectoplasm's characters. It may simply be because I am French and I don't have all the clues or isn't it because Bagdadi aimed too complacently at being arty ? Whatever the case may be, I didn't like the confused story, the opaque characters and the brooding actors. And I just hate having to admit
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