Forever Young (1992)
17 February 2005
Such a beautiful film. I don't care if it isn't the most highbrow film ever written - how many people truly are bothered by such details other than academics and snobs? I remember watching this years ago and it is one of the very few films that I love to watch again and again, despite knowing the ending!! It is a wonderful, compelling story of true love, a true gentleman and genuine friendship that crosses the ages. Mel Gibson's character, Daniel, is sensitively portrayed and the ending is incredibly moving. Gibson ably handles all the shifts in emotion and even time. It is a novel way of retelling the 'true love never ends' story and it heart-warming and moving. A young Elijah Wood is entertaining and sweet without being unbearable. Jamie Lee Curtis is totally believable as a young single mother.Highly recommended and very endearing.
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