Not very good at all
14 February 2005
I am SHOCKED to see all the positive comments on this movie! I am a major Murphy fan and I can tell you it is contrived and, at best, silly. See other comments if you want to find out about the plot.

The movie has that fast-paced early 90's feel where the plot develops way too fast with too many minor characters running around. You've seen this movie so many times before - only a series of exactly timed and inconceivable coincidences would make it all work - and (hold onto your seats...) it does! Nothing is developed and reactions to the coincidences are silly. All exaggeration aside, it has as bad dialog and acting as I have ever seen by major actors. Especially bad is Joe Don Baker. It is almost worth renting just to see him deliver his exceedingly poorly written lines - poor guy. Honestly, this movie is not funny and not entertaining on any level.

While not as bad as Best Defense (is any movie?), there is a reason 1992 saw it come and go in just three weeks.

If you like Murphy, get Trading Places (excellent), 48 Hours or Another 48 Hours. If you like Joe Don Baker, get Charlie Varrick (amazing movie).
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