Another western Bollywood film bites the dust
11 February 2005
I'm getting tired of this East-meets-West mergers among foreign Indian film makers. "Bride and Prejudice" is another one of these films, and it belongs in the dumpster outside the movie theater. First, you get a Caucasian who speaks Hindi fluently, but no reason why...the last time I saw this was in "Shalimar" with Rex Harrison...wasn't pretty then, wasn't pretty now. Second, my wife had read "Pride and Prejudice", and loved it; when she saw the film, she said it had no relation to the book and the film butchered the whole story line. Furthermore, my wife tells me that Aishwarya Rai decimated the Elizabeth/Lalita character. According to the trivia in IMDb, she did not read the book because she wouldn't get influenced. Maybe she should have. My theory is that she was too lazy to read the book, and figured her looks would carry the film--they don't. Finally, the film is without direction. Is is a Bollywood satire? Or is it a Bollywood version of "Pride and Prejudice"? Or is it a Bollywood film with one Caucasian? Or is it a criticism/analysis of Indian culture? I just didn't get this film. Messy, plot less, and humiliating to Indians, this not a good introduction to Bollywood. A better example (and a "natural product")of Bollywood would be the film "Lagaan", which you can get at almost any video rental store in the US.
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