Lying Eyes (1996 TV Movie)
A Caution Film: Lifetime Channel Material
9 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Lying Eyes" 1996 is a made for TV movie. It is suitable for Lifetime Television for Women, though there's nothing wrong with men or young guys watching this film as a caution film. It's based on actual events or at least modeled after something that could happen to anyone in real life. Derek Bradshaw (Vincent Irizarry) pursues Amy a high school cheerleader in her Senior Year (Cassidy Rae). Seduced and under the impression that he has genuine feelings for her, she unknowingly becomes his mistress. This is a plausible plot line. In today's world, we do see a lot of similar cases of older men with girls who are under 18. It's really quite sad because these girls don't have self esteem or enough maturity to realize that it's not always love that marks the relationship. In the case of Derek Bradshaw, he just wanted to have his cake and eat it too. The poor Amy however finds herself in big trouble. Apparently, someone who knows her is angry and jealous. She has received hate mail and her locker has been trashed. This adds mystery and suspense to the movie. A lot of the dialog is tacked on and not polished but the movie is still good to watch, especially to prove a point. There are sex scenes and some graphic material but this means that only mature teens can view this movie. You'd be surprised but Lifetime Original Movies are very graphic and show rape, violence against women and a lot of sex, although in the context of the story its to prove how wrong it is for men to victimize women, as well as serving as a tool of empowerment for women. But be warned. If you are sensitive and don't want to see such R rated content, don't watch.

At first, Amy believes Derek's wife is the perpetrator. But eventually we discover it's one of Amy's friends who was another mistress of the same jerk Derek. It's interesting to note how we see things through Amy's eyes. We think that Derek is a good guy, stuck in an unhappy marriage. But we soon learn that he is nothing more than a lying, cheating scumbag. He's had a long line of young teenage mistresses. At the end of the film, the pig is even seen back at the high school leering at the cheerleaders, picking out his next victim. This is a caution story. Teenage, high school girls must never never agree to a relationship with a married man, no matter how much he sweet-talks you. For the most part, they are just sexually bored and seek affairs. It's not only morally wrong it may be dangerous. When the truth comes out, the consequences can be nasty. Although the part of Amy fearing for her life, being nearly killed on two occasions, may be a little stretched but it was used to emphasize the big mistake she had made in consenting to a relationship with that jerk married guy in the first place.
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