Have loved this film, flaws and all, since it came out in 1954!
5 February 2005
I first saw this movie, over the 3 Sunday nights it ran on THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF COLOR, as The Disney show was then called, and fell head over heels with the character of Davy. He was so honest and good to my 5 year old mind and now, 50 (50!?!?!?) years later, I still admire the man and all he stood for. I was living in San Antonio, TX, at the time these 3 shorts came out, so I had my parents take me to the Alamo after the last installment and today I own a model 1816 Flintlock musket that was carried by a Mexican soldier in the second wave of the morning assault of March 6, 1836. The soldier; Eduardo Escalon's Great-Grandson furnished me written provenance from his Grandmother, who died in 1924, that her father had carried this particular rifle in the assault, and when he mustered out of the army after San Jacinto, he brought it with him when he emigrated to the US (Texas, of course), in 1838, and documents the history of the weapon during the battle, and it is in Fine shape for a rifle that's 179 years old and is still very accurate, though only for maybe 5- to 75 yards. And the tie-in to this film is obvious, and yes, I sometimes sit with the rifle in my hands when I watch the now DVD that just came out and think about the history of the whole scene.
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