Must have seemed like a good idea at the time
4 February 2005
"How sleep the Brave", like countless other independent movies produced around this time, undoubtedly took advantage of the home video rental boom of the early 1980s. It is also pretty safe to assume that without the VCR it would have sunk without trace.

It is painfully obvious from the beginning, that this film was shot on a tiny budget. It looks like a badly made home movie produced by well meaning but technically clueless war reenactment enthusiasts.

The acting is, for want of a better word, embarrassing. Compounded by a script which is brainless and punctuated (literally) with unnecessary four letter expletives.

With all the best will in the world, a wood in the leafy wilds of rural Berkshire is never going to accurately recreate the steamy intensity of a South Vietnamese jungle. I almost expected to see some blue rinsed old dear emerge from the foliage and tell them to keep the noise down! It is interesting to speculate whether this film would have been a success at the Box Office had it have been given the full Hollywood treatment. The director's intentions are commendable, but the quality just isn't there.

As it is, "How Sleep the Brave", will always remain a largely forgotten and obscure celluloid oddity - let's just be thankful for that!
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