One of the worst movies in cinema history! Don't miss it!
3 February 2005
If enjoyably (?) bad movies are your cup of tea, by all means, knock yourself out. I mean, Ed Wood is Stanley Kubrick compared to this garbage. Interestingly, in Croatia the distributors called it just "Devil's Son" (they conveniently forgot the "in-law") and advertised it as a horror movie to lure the unsuspecting (and, I might say, relatively undiscriminating) fans of the genre. And horrible it was: ludicrous plot, the worst acting imaginable, cheesiest fight scenes, the painful musical numbers, the lowest of the low production values (as I recall, Lucipher's mighty scepter was a stick with a ball of tin foil on top)... this one has it all. It is really so bad that seeing it leaves a permanent scar on the psyche. What more can one ask of a movie?
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