Why did this even see the light of day?
1 February 2005
Even by David Dhawan standards, this was far-fetched, uninspired, unoriginal and just plain bad. Whether it was the acting, the writing, the directing or just the film itself, it starts badly and continues rolling downhill.

The only jokes that are remotely funny are the ones they copied from Meet the Parents, and that too only when you close your eyes and imagine Meet the Parents in place of this film.

The characters are spineless, inconsistent and completely undeveloped. The plot twist at the end is very, very predictable. The climax is also stupid and illogical.

The actors were bad. Salman Khan was his usual self, and Priyanka Chopra was wooden. Akshay Kumar was over the top. The less said about Kader Khan the better. Rajpal Yadav was also pretty much below his normal standard.

The only saving grace was a couple of the songs, and some good choreography.

Another thing was poor costume design and ordinary art direction.

All in all, if you want an example of how NOT to make a film, this will probably work as a good template.

If I'm being generous, 2/10.
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