Review of Animals

Animals (2003 TV Special)
More excellence from Mr Gervais!
31 January 2005
For a man that says he's neither an actor nor a stand-up comedian, Ricky sure does act and do stand up comedy well! This was the next show that Ricky did after his initial success with the fabulous "The Office", and it's another comedic treasure from the man who is currently Britain's hottest comedy talent. As you might expect, this show has an 'animals' theme. That's not to say Ricky stays on topic, however - he does mostly, but there's still room for threads involving the bible, amongst other off-topic things. The way Ricky goes from talking about animals, to things like the bible is never irritating, and the way he makes the shift is always logical - not to mention hilarious! Ricky Gervais clearly doesn't mind offending people either, which might hinder the show for some people, but makes it ten times better for yours truly. Some of the threads in this show are liable to offend; but as I say, it's not a problem for me. It could be said of Ricky (and probably is said) that he's a lazy comedian as his style tends to incorporate things such as merely taking some facts from the internet and taking the Mickey out of them, and it's true that many people who aren't stand-up comedians could do that - but look at the WAY he does it. I very much doubt anyone could take those facts and come up with quips as funny as the ones Ricky has come up with.

The highlights of the show include a section on gay animals, the aforementioned bible segment and some jokes on sharks and the Nazi's. Saying that, every part with Ricky is a highlight - his facial expressions are hilarious! As mentioned, this style of comedy isn't for everyone, but I say don't think about what he's saying too much and just sit back and enjoy the ride. You'll be glad you did.
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