"Bottom of a porn theater seat" scum of a movie- not bad.
29 January 2005
I must not have done my research or just forgot that I was about to watch a 1980 Italian "women in prison" flick because my jaw dropped upon seeing some of the sex scenes in this. I am wondering if there is an X-rated version floating around out there because it was obvious that there was some real oral sex going on in this movie.

Another reviewer mentioned they thought this was Troma's worst film in their library. You must not have seen all of the Troma films because Troma has some real stinkers. But I wouldn't call this a Troma library film, but a Troma sponsored re-release. There are Troma films and then there are films that Lloyd Kaufman buys the rights to so he can make more cash on them by packaging them and releasing them. This is one of those. I guess if Troma was going to re-release a "women in prison' flick this is fits the Troma standard- trashy.
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