Seen it; loved it; wish I could own it on DVD
26 January 2005
A truly entertaining film in which delicate humor mingles with slapstick-styled scenes. If you can see it, and that must be a true rare occasion, try it on for measure for at least 20 minutes. If it didn't amuse you, it never will. A taste for European humor is helpful, but you will meet some actors that are understandable very popular in Italy. This is the weirdest mix of Memento meets The Godfather performed by the Marx brothers but with beautiful photography, very nice details and true Italian pathos and unsurpassable gestures to emphasize the delicate Italian communication skills in times of trouble. Major drawback on story is that it leans heavily on stupid-is-as-studied-does situations. With a little more effort it could have been both funny and a thrill to watch. O yes, if you want to study Italian, this is a great way to improve your vocabulary. You will never know when you're gonna need 'cullo di gomma'. After this film, you might have an idea.
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