nonstop rapid-fire parody
22 January 2005
This is a 2 part OAV spin-off from "Excel Saga" and I dare not compare it to that series as it will pale. But if you take PPP on it's own you will find much to enjoy. Don't fault me for not really going into plot with this review as the plot is really secondary to the parody of other anime, manga, and heinti. It's manic energy, zaniness, hyperness, and spot-on parody will most likely win any Anime fan over after a small while, I do take issue with the characters making asides to "fan service" every now and then as it's more "faux" fan service because there's no follow through in that respect. But maybe that's just another joke. And that may be as the jokes and gags come so fast and often that no one will be able to catch on too them all on the first watch.

My Grade: B

Where i saw it: Anime Network on Demand
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