Harry (from Harry and the Hendersons) meets Rain Main
20 January 2005
"It could have happened..." is the catchphrase of this movie. According to "legend", back in June of 1880 (somewhere in the Old West) a sparkler, I mean meteor, crashed near the mine of the Cannon family. Because of the crash, Jim Cannon (father/husband) dies and his son Charles gets a severe case of dirty face.

So apparently Charles, becomes a giant yeti-like creature (I guess due to the meteor) who goes around killing indiscriminately (due to the fact that he is a child in a monster's body - think of Viktor from the Bride except with a worse vocabulary, diction and his jaw locked shut). During this time his mother has Charles continue to mine for gold, as she hides him in the basement. When gold is discovered, everything unravels (is there a greed destroys us all theme hiding in there somewhere??). Everyone in this movie seems to use Charles in one way or another, for their own schemes (even mom). You end up empathizing with Charles, simply because everyone around him is conniving and he is after all still a small boy (on the inside).

I'm not sure what the merits of this movie are, except to a hospital ward full of insomniacs. It is quite dull, extremely slow and quite predictable. Thankfully this made for TV movie is only 65 minutes long.

-Celluloid Rehab
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