1970 Springtime in Germany
18 January 2005
For anyone who was around back in 1970, esp. in Germany, this movie is a real nostalgia bomb. The star is the boy singer Heintje, who was a big pop star back then, at least in Europe. I don't think he ever caught on in the U.S.

At the time it was released, it was a kids movie. Now, it is camp. I mean that in a good way. It was fun to see it after all these years, and though the full blown orchestral production of the songs Heintje sings in the movie seem odd (riding in a convertible, he opens his mouth and a full music studio sound comes out) it is just the way they did it in those movies. Think Elvis in any number of movies, you get the idea.

Also some nice views of the French Riviera back then. Cool.
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