Agony of Love (1966)
Agony of Love (1966) BOMB
15 January 2005
Agony is right. When the film began I thought it was going to be a winner. Interesting camera shots, a woman who's really stacked (Pat Barrington), and some well-cast loser types to play the various clients Ms. Barrington entertains as an unfulfilled prostitute looking for love in all the wrong places.

But then the camera-work became a chore -- lingering on shots for too long, not really expressing anything other than what we've already allowed to sink in. We become aware that this dirty woman is mentally tormented very early on, and then all that begins to happen after awhile is that the director keeps indulging himself by driving that point home again and again and again. Okay, she has personal demons; we get it already -- now what? As I said earlier, Pat Barrington has a nice package, and that's about the only reason to endure everything else that drones on in between getting an eyeful of her natural gifts. It's too bad that even her nude scenes are not filmed in a more enticing manner.

0 out of ****
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