The Devil's Arithmetic (1999 TV Movie)
This has gotta be the dumbest move about the holocaust ever made
13 January 2005
Unbelievably bad acting. This is an overly sentimental piece of drivel that was made purely to cash in on a traditionally easy theme to make money on. The Holocaust/WWII. Using the time travel thing just made it even cornier. That was done as far back as the Twilight Zone in the 60's. There were zero original ideas in this movie and many blatant scene copies of better movies. It's painfully obvious the makers neither cared about the history or the people that survived and basically slapped them and Germany in the face with this poor recreation.

Personally I found it insulting to watch and soon after they arrived at the death camp I had to turn it off. The bad uniforms and pathetically poor German accents were painful. Kirsten Dunce's overacting was embarrassing.

The Jewish league should sue for being shamelessly exploited in a bad TV movie and get whatever profits came from this movie, then give anyone who voted higher than a 2 for this movie a free trip to the Holocaust Memorial in Washington DC, Auschwitz, the Wiesenthal Center or the Imperial War museum. The German government should sue and get whatever money it can from the producers for beating this dead horse long after it's expired. The German government and people deserve better than this. If you are going to drag them through the mud again at least have the decency to do it right. I mean seriously, there are much better and more accurate movies out there. Why did they even make this?? Most of the others have been edited and shown on television so it can't be that there was a need to get a movie out to that audience. I wouldn't want my kids to see this version because it dumbs the whole tragedy down so much they won't understand the brutality and scope of the holocaust from this. To me it just looked fake. At one point I even found myself thinking that it didn't look like they had it that bad. I found myself laughing at the stereotypes, bad script and poor editing. Let's not even discuss the cinematography. My kid could do better with a Sony hand-held. I am thinking the budget on this move must have been dismally low.

If you're too young to understand the violence of the event then wait till you're older. If you think that dumbing down the holocaust just to get the message out on TV is acceptable, you're selling yourself and mankind in general short. Giving this movie a high mark just because its about the holocaust is like giving George Bush an A for effort in Iraq. You should just watch the history channel if you want to know more about this and are too lazy to open a book.
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