An impossible to enjoy mess. Certainly not a movie.
12 January 2005
I bet you feel misplaced sometimes. At certain moments, you don't relate to anybody or anything and you feel alone in this world. We all experience that feeling every now and then. One of the times I felt I was from another planet took place inside a theater, and I was watching, despite my resistance, this movie. I was among a cheering, laughing crowd.

You might think I was prejudiced. Wrong. Knowing for sure that this movie wasn't my cup of tea, I prepared myself for getting everything I could from it. "I wish it contains action, I wish I can laugh" I was thinking. Well, the only thing I got was an awful need of walking out.

This movie is so downright bad I don't know where to start:

First, this is not "Charlie's Angels". Aside from the fact that three girls are the main characters and they happen to follow the orders from a man called Charlie, there's nothing more in common. All similarities end at that. This movie should be called "Three girls and their dumb everyday life" or something like that. But even retitled, this movie would stink. And this affirmation takes me to the next mega-flaws.

Second, the three girls are stupid. The Cameron Diaz character borders on retarded. But not in a funny way. She's plain stupid and acts like a nerd. I know that is supposed to be funny. Maybe for a 5 year old it is.

Third, there is no actual plot, just a badly made up excuse for linking pitiful sketches together. This movie could have lasted 30 minutes or 6 hours. It feels disjointed. It's nothing more than a sucession of sketches.

Fourth, the soundtrack. Argh!. I can't even think of it without getting angry. Who in the world made that compilation, a 17 year old boy? It's the most lazy soundtrack in movie history. Every time there's an action/fight scene, some random hip-hop/metal is thrown, even though the song belongs to another emotional planet. It really sounds like someone would have put together a list of last years' most topical hits and played it randomly. The inclusion of Korn's "Blind" in an action scene can be called blasphemy.

Fifth, the action scenes. Over the top, boring, we've seen them all before.

Sixth, the pace. This movie simply hasn't. It's a steady sucession of boring action and poor jokes. Don't expect a climax. This is LINEAR. Urgh.

As I know there is a word limit, I won't go on. But I could speak easily about 20 awful things in this movie, without thinking too hard.

Wait, there's something good. It's Bill Murray, and I feel very sorry for him, because he alone can't raise my rating to a 1.

Avoid like plague.

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