Disco Pigs (2001)
This film describes the words soul mates perfectly (well, almost!)
11 January 2005
I saw this film a few weeks ago and was totally fascinated by it from the beginning. The characters are so sweet. The story is about how two people are bound to each other from when they were little. They will let nothing come between them. Soul mates from the start. The film takes you on a journey through their lives and follows the relationship as they grow older. My favourite bit was where the little boy just waited, waited so long for his friend to come home. It was perfect, summing up the whole film. Some of the film is a bit violent so brace yourself if you are going to watch it, but don't let that put you off because the film as a whole is what i can only describe as beautiful. This movie is a must for every one, just watch it once and you'll probably be thinking about it forever.
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