Wasted Opportunity - Spoiler, but this is one pre-spoiled film.
10 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The original was chilling and fascinating, and the main complaint one could have about it is that the production values were kind of low and so clearly 70's-dated. A remake was a great idea (so many times... not so much).

And they wasted it... squandered it, with this piece of "who cares" garbage. No point of view, no consistency in commentary on what women do to themselves in general/men's expectations of women, and worst sin of all... for all the gazillion dollars, and gazillion hours of effort this movie had to have absorbed... it denies its own reality. Too many instances to name, but the worst offender is it couldn't even decide if the wives were killed and turned into robots, or if they were altered by a chip that could then be reversed so you could tack on the b.s. "happy ending" that was tacked onto this film. All the effort that went into making Nicole Kidman's character's replica, and all the camera time given to the creepy image -- both in the film and in the trailers... and the replica clearly wouldn't have been used according to the rules of the universe within the film, so why have it? Sorry for the spoiler, but this !@#$*&*&&*)( film is already spoiled. And it reeks. I'll never get those two hours of my life back again. God, a remake could have been so cool.
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