December (1991)
Great character driven movie!
8 January 2005
I was excited to see that this movie was recently released on DVD because I've worn out my VHS copy. IMDb user "Andrew (ADOZER200)" need's to put down the crack pipe or whatever it is that he was smokeing when he watched this film. I think it's a wonderful character study. I guess that now a days if a movie doesn't take the viewers hand and lead them step by step through a story line the viewer just looses interest. Also there's a real story here and no flashy special effects to distract people from the true art of this wonderful movie. My advise to you viewers is to NOT get this movie if your expecting the candy covered crap that Hollywood is turning out now; but if your looking for a film with substance and heart YOU MUST SEE this timeless, brilliant film. Thank you Gabe Torres, for a film that was worth the time and effort you must have put into it. I'll be waiting for your next gem. The movie industry needs it now more than ever.
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