Review of Baby Snakes

Baby Snakes (1979)
A 'Must See' for any musician/Zappa fan
1 January 2005
Zappa was great. An okay guitarist, but a genius composer/band leader. He was the Miles Davis of rock- finding the best young musicians and pushing them to the next level. That's what he did with Terry Bozzio, who (in my opinion) steals the show(DVD). Highlights are 'Pound for a Brown' with Bozzio, Mars and O'hearn getting real intense, the pre-'Disco-boy' drum solo, Bozzio's awesome performance on 'Punky's Whips,' and of course the great abstract claymation. I'd be happy if this video was all claymation and drum solos, but most of the rest of the movie is cool too. The dood with the blow-up doll and gas mask gets kinda annoying, but the DVD makes up for it by having Adrian Belew dance around in a dress. I'd strongly recommend this to any drummer because there are some great close-ups on Bozzio as he hurts the feelings of other drummers by keeping perfect grooves and being funny at the same time. That's what I'm talking' about.
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