Fahrenhype 9/11 (2004 Video)
Republican dirty tricksters
1 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It's funny that this documentary attacks Moore for using one sided propaganda, when this film does the exact same thing!

Basically this movie just attacks bits and pieces of Fahrenheight in a pretty weak way.

The brilliant Ann Coulter says of Bush staying in the classroom after hearing about 9/11 "What's he supposed to do, rip off his shirt like Superman and take the bullets". I guess it's stupid to think a Commander In Chief should act immediately to stop the attacks. What could Bush have done? Well, maybe order the planes to be shot down before flying into buildings?

The documentary would like to portray the 2000 election as a clear cut win for Bush, not mentioning any of the controversy, or discussing electoral votes vs. popular votes.

And then somehow they've come up with the conclusion that Moore thinks 9-11 is no big deal, with no evidence to support it.

They say Bush was only responsible for 8 months of 9-11, Clinton 8 years. No one is denying that the reason these terrorists hate us has to do with bad foreign policy from long before George W took office. But they fail to mention that Bush had the intelligence that the attacks were going to take place, and did nothing.

They try to link Iraq with the war on terror, which you can't do. In Moore's film he was wrong in trying to make Iraq seem like a harmless country that never had any kind of conflict with the US, and in this film they make Sadam to be more of a threat than he was. If the war in Iraq is all about liberating people from an evil dictator, why all the lies about weapons of mass destruction, and connections to Bin Laden that don't exist. If we're going to get rid of mad dictators, why stop at Iraq?

This film also wants us to believe that every soldier believes we should be over here. And that no civilians were accidentally killed. etc. etc. The truth obviously lies in the middle. There's soldiers who think we belong in Iraq, others who don't. There's good soldiers, and bad soldiers. The troops are doing a lot to help the civilians, and at times collateral damage happens and innocent civilians are accidentally killed.

They say that military recruiters are never like used car salesman going after people like portrayed in Fahrenheight. All I know is from personal experience when I was in high school I had recruiters calling me up at home to give me a hard sell.

Hopefully a non partisan documentary will come out going through both documentaries and show what is truth and what isn't using hard facts.
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