Review of Wake of Death

Wake of Death (2004)
Another Damme Action Movie
1 January 2005
WARNING: the following review may shock and confuse you, as it infers that Van Damme has made a good movie.

Yup, I said it; a good Van Damme movie. This was a dark, edgy film, with a slight John Woo feel, and a cold murderous antagonist in the vein of Chow Yun Fat's character in "Hard Boiled". It's what any Steven Segal movie wished it could be, and it's what "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead" (with Clive Owen) should have been.

It looks like Van Damme has finally found out what is needed for him to make a good movie; less Van Damme. That's right, there are barely any signature Van Damme moves in this film. Not really any high kicks, no splits in briefs, and although you do see his butt visa vi every other one of his movies (you can't expect him to change his style THAT much), he doesn't really spend any of the movie topless. Van Damme junkies, if all of this sounds too varied from such classics as "Legionnaire", "Knock Off", and "Street Fighter" don't rent this movie. Instead, rent "Time Cop", go home, and kill yourself.

You may be wondering why one so faithless in Van Damme as I would rent this movie. Allow me to explain. My friend and I rented this movie as a joke. We had just watched "Gymkata", and were hard pressed to find a film to follow that debacle. But lo and behold, what was on the shelf, but a brand new Van Damme movie! Titled "Wake of Death", no less. Imagine my surprise when the movie was an engaging action flick.

Of course, it has its let downs; a couple nonsensical plot twists, lack of information on the viewers part, and strange silent staring scenes. However, these are heavily outweighed by its strong points; decent car chases, explosions, senseless violence, and gratuitous sex. Not to mention the maniacal "blademaster", and the random inclusion of Russians. All which make this Van Damme movie a keeper.
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