The Prodigy (2005)
A Lot of Wasted Talent
31 December 2004
I was told that the Dallas Film Series was showing a film called The Prodigy and thought that it was probably another of the "coming of age" independent films that one often finds in such venues. After having seen the film I can only state that I was totally surprised by what I saw. As an avid movie go-er I tend to try and be positive when I speak about a movie, but this movie makes it hard to do. Yes, the look of the film and all of the technical aspects of the film were way above what I expected, but the level of violence was truly disturbing. WE wonder why this country is so violent and then WE see this is what WE call entertainment. I truly believe that the filmmakers have more than enough talent to have made a true thriller of exceeding quality that doesn't de-evolve into a symphony of violence. After much consideration I cannot recommend this film to anyone I know and I will pray for the makers of this film in the hopes that they might see their way to making a film that shows the best of humanity and not the worst. NOTE: Mr. Dundon, In the future I hope you can find a more worthwhile use of your money. God Bless
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