A Melodramtic bore.
28 December 2004
I sense that Rituparnao Ghosh has a potential of good Film-maker. I also sense that he is not so good at choosing a story. Rabindranath Tagore was a prolific author but his novels do not transcend well to Cinema-at least this particular novel. The problem I reckon is too many characters that have too many speaking parts that hoover too long. A typical movie more than three characters has to be an Epic like "Gandhi" to make an impact on the audience or has to be brilliant narration to tell the story. Then there is Ashwairya Rai, who in all respects to her talent is the least eligible to relate to a character from a Tagore Film. She just does not have what it takes to be a good actress. She is more a liability than an asset. All said and done the movie is boring amidst some smirks of attempt at good Film-making by Ghosh.
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