Dracula's Dog (1977)
Scared the crap out of me as a child
27 December 2004
Alright, I've been reading the comments for this movie and I must say everyone here agrees this movie is really a piece of crap.But, like other guy said, I also saw this movie late at night when I was about 8~9 years old and it really scared the hell out of me, I couldn't even watch for more than 10 minutes without freaking out and leaving the room (only to come back a few minutes later). Maybe now, as an adult, I would laugh at this movie, but the first impression is what you remember. I remember being as scared with this as I was with Nosferatu (1979) (Damn, kinski was a horrible vampire!) I want to see Dracula's Dog again, but I can't seem to find it anywhere...
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