Wonderfully Camp 80s fare
27 December 2004
This is one of my guilty pleasures. A camp, 80s sci-fi caper that's dated but still enjoyable. The opening is wonderful and contrasts with the subdued but somewhat haunting ending. Back in 1984 this would have been even better because it would not have been regarded as camp. Today it seems we can all sneer our postmodern noses at such works but make assertions that its kitsch quality is now rather endearing. Catherine Mary Stewart steals the film with her Ripleyesque action moves and feminine charm, while Zoe Kelli Simon provides a number of dumb blonde comedic moments. The film lags somewhat after the brilliant opening but never loses its heart. The only downside is the fact it seems like a TV film/80s MTV video with its fuzzy camera-work. Watch it with popcorn at home, preferably late at night.
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