The Bermuda Depths (1978 TV Movie)
Haunting definitely seems to be "the" word to describe The Bermuda Depths!
25 December 2004
This movie had a very profound effect upon my brother and I. We saw it in 1979 when I was 11 years old, and my brother was 7. I spent the next 20 years trying to tell people about the movie with the "Giant Turtle". Virtually nobody knew what I was talking about, and they thought I was nuts - but I knew that both my brother and I had seen it.

I caught part of the end of it in the late 1980's, probably on WGN or TBS late at night, and actually called one of my friends and made him turn it on, because he thought I was making the movie up. So there was another person to verify it's existence! LOL!

I wish that this movie would be released on DVD; I found it every bit as haunting as the 1974 film GARGOLYES. (Which I just happened to get today for Christmas on DVD! Thank God my Brother understands and loves these old movies as much as I do! Thanks Bro!!)

All I can say is, this Movie Rocks. IF it's on and you have to go to work, call in sick! If they won't let you have off -then Quit! Jobs are available all day long, "The Berumuda Depths" isn't!

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