Chopping Mall (1986)
Hilarious B-movie
21 December 2004
Teenagers are partying in a shopping mall late at night, and find themselves having to escape the latest in mall security: the Killbots. Sucks to be them, since the Killbots are armed with laser beams and C4 (in case some military commandos break in, I guess). I started laughing at the hilarious facial expressions of the second guy to get killed, and from that point on the movie was pure comedy. The silliness factor is out of control, with such things as a sporting goods store that just happens to have a few M-16s in stock, a couple watching TV while 6 people have sex in the background, a girl who wears her pants so tight that she has a huge you-know-what throughout the entire movie, a soundtrack inspired by Atari, a cameo by Dick Miller (whose entire career seems to be based on making cameos in B-movies), an exploding head, etc. Pretty crazy stuff.
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