The Parent Trap II (1986 TV Movie)
sentiment of parent trap
5 December 2004
Sentiment of Parent Trap Tell the truth I am not interested in this film in the first instance since I thought it was a comedy, I don¡¯t like comedy very much. But the film attracted me gradually when I aware the deep-seated meaning in the film¡the firmly reins of a family. A pair of clever twins, a kind father and a beautiful mother, what a perfect family it was. But then what a pity it was. The parents devoiced and the twins were separated. Lucky, god didn¡¯t forget this poor family. The twins met each other in a summer camp. There was a charm between these two sisters. From warring to friendly the girls came through a rough course. They decided to help their parents be together again. Two sisters made some chances for the parents even there was not easy. But they success because they are twins, they looked the same! People always confused. In fact, there was love still existed between there parents so when they met each other they went hot and cold. They want to know more about the other side but they didn¡¯t dare. The twins played such an important part to help them. Finally, the four persons rebuilt their sweet family. What attracted me is the firmly reins of the family. When I saw the sweet smiles on the twins¡¯ faces, I felt how luck they are. They could rebuild a sweet family but in the real¡life how many children live in a broken family? They just could live with their father or mother and step¡mother or step¡father. Who could take care of their feeling? They might think they were cast away. It is reported that most of the juvenile delinquency were made by the children whose parents were devoice. China arrested 69,780 juvenile delinquents in 2003, up 12.7 percent over 2002, according to the Supreme People's Court, accounting for 9.1 percent of the total criminal suspects arrested. Family, school and society form the environment where the minors live and the reason why youngsters tend to do illegal things is because there is something wrong with at least one of the three elements. In the most common risk factor is the demise of the family life and the increase in family violence. Between 1976 and 1992 the number of juveniles living in poverty grew 42% and this caused an increase in

crimes by juveniles. Many of these juvenile criminals have been abused

or neglected and they also grew up in a single-parent household. What kind of person the twins would be if they still live in a broken family? When the parents decided to devoiced whether they thought more about their children. The twins was so lucky that they lived with their sweet parents again, I could imagine that their happy life in the future.

It is so important to give a child a sweet family. Let us give more concern to those children. Try our best to built a happy life for them, they also could live a bright life as the twins in the parent trap.
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