Review of Touching Evil

Touching Evil (1997–1999)
5 December 2004
"Touching Evil (1997-98) is a Brit TV series about a special unit of detectives who take on the really tough crimes. Robson Green leads the way as an intense and determined workaholic cop with personal issues who will do anything to ferret out his quarry. Unfortunately mediocre, this series substitutes convolution for complexity and melodrama for psychodrama, drags out the suspenseful moments, doddles through the not-so-suspenseful moments, and never really digs into the minds or the guts of its protags. Obvious and contrived and lacking the edge of "Wire in the Blood", the personality of "Cracker", the realism of "Prime Suspect", or the complexity of "Foyle's War", this series is more sizzle than steak. Entertaining but not all it tries to be, "Touching Evil" smells a bit too much like a pretentious and simple minded Hollywood soap opera. (B-)
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